A Legal Firm Advocating for You and Your Rights
DUI Crimes
Regardless of your DUI arrest concern, License Suspension, a situation that could result in a Florida Misdemeanor DUI conviction or even if you are facing Felony DUI charges under Florida DUI law, Rendi Katalinic is ready to discuss your case.
If you have a drunk driving DUI case in Okaloosa County, Walton County, and Santa Rosa County, then contact Rendi Katalinic right now to find out what your chances are of prevailing in your case. After all, the decision to fight or plead guilty could affect the rest of your life.
Practicing primarily in Okaloosa County, Walton County, and Santa Rosa County. Rendi Katalinic is a DUI lawyer committed to a philosophy of vigorously defending your DUI Florida drunk driving case. Established in 2001, Rendi's objective is to concentrate on the defense of criminal related traffic offenses. Rendi has developed a reputation that speaks of his success and drives him to continue.
A law firm is nothing but its attorneys. See the credentials of the Okaloosa County, Walton County, and Santa Rosa County DUI law firm that has been defending drunk driving, DUI and DUI/BUI related crimes for longer than most other Florida firms as well as my result driven practice. I promise that I’ll do everything I can, within the bounds of legal ethics, to prevail in your DUI (driving under the influence, driving while intoxicated, drunk driving) case in Okaloosa County, Walton County, and Santa Rosa County.